a good work / life balance for great people

If You Want to Know How to Attract & Retain Great People, Look to Echo-U

While lots of businesses state that people are the most important asset in their company, in outsourcing and Echo-U – they are the ONLY asset. Our clients have expectations of expertise and flexibility in hours (we can double in size over our peak trading times for our retail and logistic clients).

One of Echo-U’s USPs is that we consistently deliver with predominantly tenured, experienced people -not a revolving door of new recruits trying to find their feet. So, what do we offer to make sure we’re recruiting and retaining the cream of the crop?

Here are just a few of the benefits we offer to our team:

  • A 4-day working week – 4 years in operation
  • Home working – since lockdown
  • Hybrid working – 3 years in operation
  • Office working – featuring free breakfast and lunch
  • Individualised contracts – tailored to each employee’s needs and wants
  • Custom benefits – with meaningful choices for each individual’s needs
  • Permanent contracts – with no reliance on recruitment companies

Don’t get us wrong, it’s not always easy. In this climate, clients have huge financial pressures, plus the sector is extremely busy and overpopulated. A good advisor can walk out of one job, just to start another in 24 hours.  So we have had to become creative and understanding of what employees want to enable us to attract the best people who will stay long-term.

Clients may want service 7 days a week and long daily opening hours, but employees no longer want the structured approach most companies offer. By being inventive and empathetic in our offering we have attracted and retained people who never thought of working in a contact centre before. The other piece of feedback we constantly hear is, “I’ve worked in contact centres before but, this doesn’t feel like one.”

The beauty of our flexible model is: yes, it may cost the business more, but we have the agility to respond to clients’ ever-changing needs. It’s taken 22 years to learn our trade, and that depth of experience can’t just be bought off the shelf. We really wish that when clients choose an outsourcer they would consider how the people representing their brand are treated by the company, as it really gives a true picture of how the campaign will be delivered.

As time moves on, others are starting to catch us up. 4-day working weeks, hybrid or home working, flexible contacts – that’s now all old news. So, what are we going to create for our people moving forward?

Well if you are interested in hearing about how we are innovating the employment landscape – get in touch: